Engineers of Tomorrow
Personal account
How do I create a personal Engineers of Tomorrow account?
Enter your details
Click on 'Register'
Activate your account
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Why do I need a personal account?
With your personal account you select your favorite companies during the first semester. This way, you decide which companies will be invited to participate in the Engineers of Tomorrow job fair. In the second semester you use your personal account to register for the job fair. Here you can upload your resume and indicate your preferences regarding companies you would like to speak with at the job fair.
Selection of favorite companies
Why do I need to select companies?
Every year more than 100 companies apply to participate in the Engineers of Tomorrow job fair. From the organization, we strive for a healthy ratio of companies present versus students present. Therefore, a maximum of 65 companies will be admitted to the job fair. Because you pass on your favorite companies, there is a big chance that you will actually talk to the companies you are really interested in during the job fair.
How do I select my favorite companies?
Go to and next to 'Favourites' click on 'Let's go'. A list of all companies looking for profiles from your field of study will appear. Open a company profile. Can this company convince you with their profile? Then click on 'Favourite this company' and then on 'Get back' to return to the overview page. If the company does not convince you, just click 'Get back'. Now open another company profile and repeat previous steps.
Job Fair
When does the job fair take place?
The next edition of the Engineers of Tomorrow job fair will take place on Wednesday, March 12, 2025.
Where does the job fair take place?
The next edition of the Engineers of Tomorrow job fair will take place at BluePoint Antwerp.
I will be abroad on Wednesday, March 12, 2025
No worries! Just send an email to and explain your situation. We will then see if we can come to a solution together.
Engineers of Tomorrow aims to support the ecosystem of future industrial engineers, (alumni) engineers, the Faculty of Applied Engineering and technology and innovation-driven companies in their broader professional and personal development.
We welcome future AND industrial engineering graduates and companies driven by technology and innovation.
The Engineers of Tomorrow job fair will take place at Bluepoint in Antwerp.
EoT is a sustainable, enabling platform that connects stakeholders with increasing focus on broader societal issues. Fundamentally, each stakeholder contributes to the platform and also has the opportunity to use it.