EoT for engineers

EoT for students

EoT for businesses

Engineers of Tomorrow


Personal account

How do I create a personal Engineers of Tomorrow account?
Why do I need a personal account?

Selection of favorite companies

Why do I need to select companies?
How do I select my favorite companies?

Job Fair

When does the job fair take place?
Where does the job fair take place?
I will be abroad on Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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Good to know

Engineers of Ttomorrow has more to offer than the annual job fair.


Engineers of Tomorrow aims to support the ecosystem of future industrial engineers, (alumni) engineers, the Faculty of Applied Engineering and technology and innovation-driven companies in their broader professional and personal development.


We welcome future AND industrial engineering graduates and companies driven by technology and innovation.


The Engineers of Tomorrow job fair will take place at Bluepoint in Antwerp.


EoT is a sustainable, enabling platform that connects stakeholders with increasing focus on broader societal issues. Fundamentally, each stakeholder contributes to the platform and also has the opportunity to use it.