Engineers of Tomorrow
Dashboard Engineers of Tomorrow
How do I create a personal Engineers of Tomorrow account?
Enter your details
Click on 'Register'
Activate your account
Don't receive the verification email within 5 minutes? If so, please check your spam folder.
A personal Engineers of Tomorrow account is required to create or update a company profile.
First time login to personal Engineers of Tomorrow account
Enter your email address and password
Click on 'Register'
Under the question "Let us know what best describes you" select "Company Responsible
Click on 'Save'
How do I create a company profile?
Click on 'Add a company'
Enter your company information
Click on 'Save'
Your company profile is your company's signboard on our website. Therefore, be sure to keep it up to date at all times.
What do I use the Engineers of Tomorrow dashboard for?
On the dashboard, you can review and update all the information linked to your business.
Job Fair
How do I register for the job fair?
Go to *
Next to "Job fair," click on "Let's go.
Confirm your company's registration (there will be a check mark in the2nd step)
*Don't have an account yet? Then take a look under Dashboard Engineers of Tomorrow.
How do I make sure my company stands out to students to be selected for speed dates?
Make sure your company profile is up-to-date and personalized. Under 'settings' you can choose a different background instead of the classic white background, you can add company photos and videos (currently only YouTube videos can be uploaded) and provide a catchy title and description of your company. This does not guarantee that students will automatically select your company for speed dates, but it does make you stand out as a company.
Where does the job fair take place?
BluePoint Antwerp
Filip Williotstraat 9
2600 Antwerp
What to expect.
If you are selected by the students, you can register finally for a company booth and speed dates. More information about the fair itself can be found at Our Job Fair | Engineers of Tomorrow.
When will I know if my company has been selected for the job fair?
We work with a registration and an application round. Until the end of October 2024, your company has the chance to register for the job fair. That registration confirms your company's interest in participating in the job fair. However, because the number of places is limited, we give students the opportunity to decide which companies they would like to see present at the job fair. After all, it is the students who have to conduct the interviews with the companies, so it is important that they themselves indicate which companies they find most interesting. Students will have until the end of December 2024 to select their top 10 favorite companies. In early January 2025, we will contact all companies to tell them whether or not they have been selected to participate in the job fair. If your company is selected, you will have until the end of January 2025 to finalize your registration so we can start the billing process. If at that time you decide not to participate after all, your spot will be passed on to a company on the waiting list.
Where can I find the floor plan of the job fair and how do I know where my company booth is located?
A few weeks before the fair, you will receive the floor plan of the job fair and the booth number of your company's booth.
How big is my company booth and what are the facilities available?
A standard company booth measures 3m x 2m and includes 2 chairs and 2 high tables, if you reserve it. You have the option of adding additional chairs or tables for a small fee. Furthermore, we offer the possibility of lighting your business stand with one or more screens to further increase its visibility and appearance. There are plenty of outlets and power supplies for normal business use. BluePoint provides free WiFi for all exhibitors.
I would like to purchase the resume book
Is your company not participating in the Engineers of Tomorrow job fair? Then don't hesitate and purchase the resume book today to still be able to get in touch with our talents. The price in presale (until Tuesday, March 11, 2025) is € 500,00 (excl. VAT). If you wish to purchase the resume book from Wednesday, March 12, you will pay € 650.00 (excluding VAT).
By purchasing the resume book you agree to the terms and conditions below. Please read these conditions carefully before purchasing. For questions or comments please contact us at
Contents of the resume book
The resume book contains resumes from students who have voluntarily decided to make their resumes available. Since the content depends on the resumes submitted, we cannot guarantee the quality of the resumes included.Delivery of the resume book
After purchasing the resume book, you will receive a confirmation email from us entitling you to receive the final resume book. The resume book itself will be delivered to you the week of March 17, after the end of the job fair.
The purchase of the resume book is final. Refunds are not possible due to the nature of the digital content and the customized nature of the composition of the book.Intellectual Property
The contents of the resume book, including but not limited to formatting, graphics and other elements, are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced or distributed without written permission.Change in Conditions
Theseconditions are subject to change at any time. It is the buyer's responsibility to check regularly for updates.
Cancellation terms
During the registration phase, you as a company can decide to stop participating free of charge. Once the selection is done and you have decided to participate (i.e. confirmation via the dashboard), the full cost of participation is due.
Collaboration opportunities
Are there opportunities for collaboration with Engineers of Tomorrow?
Does your company have more to offer than just visibility through Engineers of Tomorrow? Then don't hesitate to contact us at
How does my company get visibility through Engineers of Tomorrow?
We are working on a module where events and other initiatives can be easily shared through the Engineers of Tomorrow platform.
Structural engineering internships
What exactly does an internship in the architecture program entail?
During the internship, the student remains fully legally dependent on the University of Antwerp. The internship starts at the beginning of the2nd semester and runs over a period of 6 weeks, always from Monday to Thursday. Prior to the internship, an internship agreement with accompanying work post sheet and risk analysis must be drawn up. Our students have as standard: safety footwear, helmet and a VCA-full certificate.
More information about the company internship and regulations:
- Company internship [download PDF EN 0.2 MB][download PDF EN - 0.2 MB].
- Internship roster [download PDF EN - 0.7 MB][download PDF EN - 0.7 MB]
It is possible that several students from our faculty may apply for the offered internships. This way you can keep the most suitable candidate(s).
Do you have any questions about the web form? Please submit them to Do you have questions about the content of the internship? Then please contact the internship coordinator Frie Van Haerenborgh:
How do I create an internship?
Go to *
Scroll to 'Internships' and click 'Let's go'
Click on 'Add internship'
Fill in all necessary details
Click on "Save"
*Don't have an account yet, please take a look under Dashboard Engineers of Tomorrow.
How do I customize an internship?
Go to
Scroll to 'Internships' and click 'Let's go'
Right-click on the stage to be modified and click 'Edit'
Adjust the necessary data
Click on 'Save'
Can I see a list of all internships that are visible to students?
Students can access all available internships at
Contact details and privacy policy
The Educational Administration of the Faculty of Applied Engineering, (03 265 19 00), collects this personal data in order to prepare the internship offer of the architecture program. Under no circumstances will this data be passed on to third parties. These data are kept until the end of the academic year in which the internship falls. If you wish to change or delete your personal data, please contact the address mentioned above.
More information about our privacy policy:
Do the other courses also offer internships?
At the moment, internships are only offered through the Engineers of Tomorrow platform from construction engineering courses. Would your company like to offer internships for our other courses? Please send an email to and briefly explain your offer.
Lifelong learning
Cancellation terms
Cancellation must be made in writing.
Cancellation up to at least fourteen days before the start of the course will result in 25% of the participation fee remaining due.
Subsequent cancellation will result in the full fee being charged, which will then entitle participants to all documents made available to them during the course.
Certificates will only be issued upon full participation, except in cases of force majeure.
Didn't find the answer to your question here?
Please contact us and we will help you as soon as possible!
Engineers of Tomorrow is the job fair in Antwerp for industrial engineers and companies in that sector.
We welcome future (graduate) industrial engineers and companies driven by technology and innovation.
Engineers of Tomorrow will take place at Bluepoint in Antwerp.
Get inspired during our inspiring talks, or sell yourself during an impromptu application.