Engineers of Tomorrow
Lifelong learning
Cancellation terms
Cancellation must be made in writing.
Cancellation up to at least fourteen days before the start of the course will result in 25% of the participation fee remaining due.
Subsequent cancellation will result in the full fee being charged, which will then entitle participants to all documents made available to them during the course.
Certificates will only be issued upon full participation, except in cases of force majeure.
Dashboard Engineers of Tomorrow
How do I create a personal Engineers of Tomorrow account?
Enter your details
Click on 'Register'
Activate your account
Don't receive the verification email within 5 minutes? If so, please check your spam folder.
A personal Engineers of Tomorrow account is required to create or update a company profile.
Job Fair
Where does the job fair take place?
BluePoint Antwerp
Filip Williotstraat 9
2600 Antwerp
My company is interested in participating in the job fair. How can I register as a company?
You can register for the job fair as a company. We would like to refer you to the FAQ for companies -"How do I create a company profile?
Collaboration opportunities
Are there opportunities for collaboration with Engineers of Tomorrow?
Do you see opportunities to work with Engineers of Tomorrow? Then don't hesitate to contact us at
Didn't find the answer to your question here?
Please contact us and we will help you as soon as possible!
Good to know
Engineers of Tomorrow is the job fair in Antwerp for industrial engineers and companies in that sector.
We welcome future AND industrial engineering graduates and companies driven by technology and innovation.
Engineers of Tomorrow will take place at Bluepoint in Antwerp.
Get inspired during our inspiring talks, or sell yourself during an impromptu application.