EoT for engineers

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Learning never stops

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Engineers of Tomorrow provides a platform where both current and former industrial engineers, along with the Faculty of Applied Engineering and leading technology companies, can participate in a range of learning initiatives. At EoT, we believe that lifelong learning not only contributes to the career development of individuals, but also plays a vital role in constantly enriching our ecosystem with fresh ideas and perspectives.

0 courses found

Road construction


Sustainable road construction

Help determine the sustainable approach to road infrastructure

5G Technologies


The ABCs of 5G

This comprehensive course is specifically designed to give business managers an in-depth understanding of 5G technology and its significant economic and legal implications.

gas chromatography

Optimization methodology

Gas chromatography for separation and quality control

In a manufacturer-neutral setting, you will learn the theory and practice of gas chromatography.

Please indicate your interest in advance!

In the pipeline...

Asphalt Innovation Symposium

The "Asphalt Innovation Symposium" brings together experts from both academia and industry to share the latest innovations in road construction.

HVAC training

This training is a response to both the growing demand for highly qualified personnel in the HVAC industry and the specific demand from companies to offer basic training for new employees.

Pasteurization and sterilization for workers from food establishments

In this workshop, we examine the impact of appertization techniques such as thermal pasteurization and sterilization for both liquid and solid foods on the killing off of microorganisms.

Crash course in vision technology and image processing

This two-day course provides a comprehensive introduction to computer vision, various commercial camera technologies, and various forms of artificial intelligent image processing. You will get a clear overview of the numerous possibilities within computer vision, illustrated with relevant industry examples. After this course, you will therefore be perfectly capable of assessing how computer vision can change your work and life.

To beer or not to beer

A hands-on brewing course that immerses you in the wonderful world of brewing.

Basic course in asphalt paving

This course focuses on the practical knowledge of raw materials, production and processing of asphalt and the relationship between the various steps in the asphalt process.

Advanced course in asphalt paving

Building a sustainable asphalt infrastructure together.

Energy and sustainability

This course provides a deep understanding of sustainability impacts for the energy challenges of the future.

Building information management in infrastructure

Building information Modeling and Management is the new method for managing infrastructure projects from the design process onward.

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